Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Getting back into it...with joy

It's been a long time hasn't it?
But I feel that it's time I got back to the blogging least for this blog. I have another blog, more health oriented (my health!) but I feel that I need to get back to the photographs and observations of this blog. I was rereading portions of it recently and realized that it was something I had enjoyed doing very much.

I sort of blame Facebook for my lack of participation in the blogsphere. It's so easy to have quick thoughts and jot them down, take a picture, create a story and post it quickly to Facebook and wait with trepidation to see what reaction will come from all of my 49 friends ;-). It's too easy, one really doesn't have to think much...although I did sometimes....because what you think and what you write don't always come out same way on Facebook. They do have an editing feature on the posts, but anyone can see what you edited out so that's pretty much useless. If it was a lengthy post, I usually wrote it in One Note first to edit and then copy and pasted into FB as a "Note". 

But therein lies the problem....I like to think about what I write...take my time and edit. I think the word I would use is *compose*. A lovely word that says it all. It appeals to the musician in me.  A composition of written word...isn't that what a writer does? I have long harboured the opinion that I have a writer hiding deep inside me wanting to get I think that going back to blogging is the answer for now with the occasional foray into Facebook Note.

I think a quick update is in order on what I've been up to in my life.....if you're interested in any lifestyle and health issues that I've had, go here otherwise, I'll try to keep this blog more on a 'what's happening and what I think about it' type blog with some pictures, humour, pathos and observations. How does that sound?? update.....

I left you in 2012 and since then we have been blessed with two new grandsons, one with our daughter T and her hubby D in May 2013  and another son for J & his wife C in December 2013. Both are lovely, funny and wonderful additions to our family along with the two other grandsons.....yes, all boys!!

I have retired from the Kamloops Symphony, but am still very much involved with them as a volunteer and audience member....a role with I really enjoy. Many people have asked me if I miss playing at all, and I have to say It's such a blast being on the other side of the stage looking and listening from the audience point of view. So it was a good decision.

Life in Kamloops is pretty much the same as when I left, except I'm absolutely positive that the summers are hotter and the winters maybe not as cold. Climate change???
Our garden is still doing very well and my husband has become a master at growing tomatoes and making his "world famous" tomato's a link to a photo essay I did on FB about his tomato sauce making process.

We have lost one of our beautiful felines.....Putz...our mommy cat.    She had been in failing health for some time and suffered a blood clot which was very painful for her and not something that could be guaranteed to be fixed. As she was about 18 years old, we decided to let her go and be without pain. It was a difficult decision, and her daughter Chloe (a year younger) missed her a lot, as they had been together since Chloe's birth. 
We had her cremated and buried her ashes in the catnip patch with a memorial rock in the shade for Chloe to lie near in the heat of the summer days. 
We still have Chauncey our busy little Bichon.
However, he's getting a little less busy these days as he gets older. He was 13 years old this year. He still goes for walks with DH and sometimes the distances are lengthy but he manages quite well. Walks are shorter and early in the heat of the summer. He still goes to his favourite kennel when we arrive on the coast to visit the kids....he's been going there for 11 years....they love him to bits and he has now graduated to the "seniors" section. A lovely little room for he and another senior small dog where they can retreat when the activity in the kennel gets too Although, I do notice that his barks are in a lower register when he comes home after an extended stay in the kennel, due, no doubt to joining in with a lot of barking, greeting and saying goodbye to other residents during his stay. It usually takes a few days of quiet time with us at home to get things back to normal.

I have been pretty busy with sewing projects as well....enjoying making some very creative crazy quilts for the two newest grandchildren. 

I have redesigned my workroom, having moved it up from downstairs, thereby purging a lot of craft ideas that I have not tackled in a while. I have turned my downstairs room back into a bedroom and turned the upstairs bedroom, which is somewhat smaller, into my computer/workroom. I'm finding solace and peace in sewing and anything connected to least until my back gives out, which is when I take a break. I even became a little obsessed with buttons, cleaning, polishing and creating "buttons with attitude" with the most unusual striking buttons, which I then posted on FaceBook. The benefit of having my computer in the same room is that I can go to the BBC3 radio website and listen to endless hours of classical music .....a perfect partner to my creative urges.

I won't dwell on any health issues here as I do have another blog for that....however, suffice to say, I have finally come to my senses and am looking after myself, trying to enjoy my senior years with dignity, comfort and good health. Here's to enjoying the aging process!!!

I think that's it for now. I have a few ideas percolating around in this noggin of mine to talk about here and I'm also open to ideas as my days unfold.


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