Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why I love my husband.....

The last two weeks have been rather strenuous....both physically and mentally. The death of a close friend and a week of rehearsals and concerts (both school and regular) along with the everyday job of living has taken its toll. By last night, I was whacked....enjoying the wine at the pub after the concert....but nevertheless whacked!!

This morning I got up, after sleeping relatively well, and realized that I had the total day to start to recoup and just relax...easy dinner tonite...just I had my first coffee, crawled on the couch covered myself with a large throw and read and snoozed. I was snoozing on the couch, the tantalizing smell of fried rice wafted out of the kitchen and woke me up ......DH had retrieved my coffee cup silently from beside me and refilled it, made a delectable fried rice mixture with veggies and leftover meatloaf and teriyaki sauce, put it in a bowl for me and then quietly came over and said "Breakfast is ready".......

....and that is why I love my husband!!


T. said...

Aw! Go dad!! Good job!! We are lucky to have wonderful husbands :)

Coramie said...

That we are......:-)