Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am quite proud of myself. DH thought I was quite weird, but last night before I drifted off to sleep, I figured out my brekkers and lunch.....lunch being the more work to prepare.
Breakfast was Multigrain Cheerios, with strawberries from the garden topped with Krema Greek yogurt and leftover rosemary, rhubarb, strawberry sauce which was used the night before with a scrumptious Cornmeal,  Rosemary & Lemon Cake with Rhubarb and Strawberry Sauce.  It was a most delicious breakfast and a perfect way to start the day.

However, the emphasis in this post is on the lunch. I knew that I had some egg whites left in the fridge from the afore-mentioned cake and I also had some leftover Pico de Gallo from Sunday and an avocado, some green onions, mushrooms, and celery a load of tarragon outside in the garden. So....I chopped the green onions, celery and mushrooms and chopped tarragon and sauted them in a glug (a la Jamie Oliver) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (hereafter known as EVOO), adding a couple of twists of fresh ground pepper and a sprinkle of kosher salt.  I then gently whisked the egg whites and added them to the veggies scraping the bottom to make scrambled egg whites. In the meantime, I seeded and scraped out and mushed the avocado with a fork and added the remainder of the Pico de Gallo to it. I also had a tortilla warming in the large skillet. To assemble....I took the tortilla and pushed it into a pretty blue bowl , scooped in the egg mixture, added some fresh picked salad herbal greens chopped and then topped with some avocado mixture (hereafter known as guacamole Pioneer Woman style...GPWS). I finished it off with a dollop of natural flavour Krema Greek yogurt (I die for that stuff...it's amazing!!)...and voila!!!
So there is yet another thing to cogitate on whilst sleep alludes me......who knew!!!


1 comment:

Daphne said...

You absolutely blow my mind. I had to read that to Grant.