Friday, January 25, 2008

Working man and To Do List ........

I am again the wife of a working man....albeit a part-time working man...but nevertheless a working man.
I now have to decide what to do with my day....ALL BY MYSELF!!!
....which actually isn't a bad thing....just takes a while to get used to...

I have now gotten into the habit of jotting down the things I need to do and I'm whittling away at the list well as making additions to the list each day. There are some givens in my day. They time (which includes email, blogging and checking out other blogs or favourite websites)......practicing for a minimum of 30 min a day, more if possible....keeping the kitchen tidy (I am making great use of the dishwasher).....making the bed (which consists of fluffing the duvet and straightening up the pillows)...and that's about it. Housecleaning I do usually once a week (with help if possible) and that's usually Sunday before the bros come for dinner and major housecleaning happens whenever we have overnight guests or visitors who don't know us that's a retirement thing you know, our own version of energy conservation...our energy!! :-) However, I digress.....

After I do the "givens", I then feel free to tackle the list ....or not.....or just mooch around in my workshop or just read. As some people would say...."it's a great life!!" Now...some people would also say that I could do all this whilst DH is home, and I probably could. However, there is this built in desire, need, wish, whatever you want to call it, to co-ordinate my day with his when he's home. That usually consists of shopping and other errands, TV watching, and reading. So...the secret is to "make hay while the sun shines" so to speak...... do my own thing when he's working, so we can schedule "together" activities when he's home. I detect a slight trace of organization here?? One can only hope....


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